Our rainbow trout and its roe have been ASC certified for responsible practices in fish farming. ASC is a label by which consumers as well as the food industry and retail can easily recognize fish that has been sustainably farmed in terms of both environmental and social responsibility.
Download the press release about our certification here.
As part of the requirements of the ASC certification, we keep track of the estimated unexplained loss (EUL) for each production cycle. EUL is calculated at the end of each production cycle by deducting the harvest count, mortalities and recorded escapes from the original stocking count. The entire life cycle of the fish in the sea is taken into account for the calculation.
EUL season 2023
Märrklobb: 5949 pcs
Lejgrund 857 pcs
Escapes season 2023
Märrklobb: 0 pcs
Lejgrund 0 pcs
Björkö: 0 pcs